As there are different choices and higher adoption rates, the difficulties of huge medical software can make you frustrated. This could be the same for viewing and sharing medical images if there is a lack of the best DICOM viewer. The issue gets raised when service providers use outdated software.
Also, it may happen if you don’t have a PACS to store your medical images. Thanks to the film-less future of medical images, its providers should have updated and necessary tools. So that they can view, share, and edit their medical images. As a result, many providers are using DICOM viewers to complete their needs.
In this post, we’re going to know about some of the PACS DICOM viewer that you can use for the most practices. So, if you’re looking for more information about this issue, simply continue reading the entire content.
As 3DimViewer comes with a smooth graphical user interface, it’s easy to use and learn. It can display 3D images with orthogonal and multi-planar displays. But, it’s good in both surface rendering and volume. Because GPU acceleration is significant for this rendering, you should avoid using it on an older computer.
The thing is the same for some newer models as well with the graphics card. You’ll find its native installers for Windows, Macintosh, and Linux OS. And it has made things as one of the more flexible ones with the availability for all operating systems.
Also, it’s an open-source app that means the developers can use C++ code to use with other apps. Moreover, they can customize the app with your system easily for this option. In this view-only solution, you’ll not get editing features for its brightness, contrast, and others. If you’re a Linux user, you’ll have to get the app from a particular website.
DICOM Web Viewer (DWV)
As DWV is a DICOM reviewer that’s completely one your browser and written in HTML5 and JavaScript. It means that you can use this app on most devices with all current browsers. These include all smart devices like laptops, phones, tablets, and even some smart TVs.
Also, if you can use some coding, you can use it into any PACS server. But, the server should support the WADO (Web Access DICOM Persistent Objects) protocol. Or it should be able to access and browse the images using a local URL. But, don’t forget that it’s said before the system is view-only and you can’t edit.
It’s one of the latest and updated systems in this list that’s available in three different versions. These include Windows, Macintosh, or Linux desktops, browser, or iPad. As its browser version needs some extra coding, you should add your own or get a developer to do it.
When it comes to the supporting features, it supports a lot of different types of image formats. These include DICOM, NEMA-DES, MINC, and NIFTI along with rendering formats like VTK, GIFTI, and BrainVisa.
Also, it’s able to create filters and imaging formats. Moreover, it does not just have the feature of analysis and process, it also can edit and convert and register images.